Με αφορμή τα 5 χρόνια κυκλοφορίας του,
το περιοδικό Hellenic NEXUS
διοργανώνει εκδήλωση, με θέμα
«Ελλάδα και Γεωπολιτική:
Νέες προοπτικές, νέες εξελίξεις»
Νέες προοπτικές, νέες εξελίξεις»
Λεωνίδας X. Aποσκίτης, διευθυντής πολιτικών θεμάτων HN
Δημήτρης Kωνσταντακόπουλος, δημοσιογράφος - συγγραφέας
Δρ. Nεοκλής Σαρρής, καθηγητής Κοινωνιολογίας - τουρκολόγος
Κωνσταντίνος Γρίβας, δόκτωρ Γεωπολιτικής - αμυντικός αναλυτής
Παρασκευή 10 Απριλίου, ώρα 19:30
στην Αίθουσα Λόγου, στη Στοά του Βιβλίου
(Πανεπιστημίου 47, Αθήνα)
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήThe Himara Community of America will meet with US Secretary Hillary Clinton
Photo: 1997, Former US president Bill Clinton with former CIA Director George Tenet
The Minister for Foreign Affairs of the U.S. Hillary Clinton, decided to meet with a delegation of Himara Community of America after a memorandum which they submitted, showing the violations of rights of Northern Epiriotes especially in Himara Region. The date of the meeting will be announced in the coming days.
According to information, the meeting will hold after the "Red Alert" situation which is passing the Greek ethnic minority especially Himara Region by the repressing and human rights violence used from the Albanian authorities.
Since 1995 when the chairman of the Northern Epirus Federation Nicholas Gage met with US President Bill Clinton, this is actually the second meeting with US high authorities with the Greek ethnic community represent in USA.
In 1994 the former mediator of US President Clinton, Scheffer met in Tirana with the President Sali Berisha to discuss the ethnic trial against the leaders of the Greek Community, but former Albanian president "did not move from his decision to charge for espionage" them.
In addition is very important to obsserver the albanian oposite and his leader Edi Rama, even the Socialist Party has a large Greek community electorate in southern Albania (Northern Epirus), prefers not to report on political repression that makes the Albanian government against the Greek ethnic minority, and especially to its leader Vasilis Bollanos.